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Thursday 10 March 2011

Social Networking Sites

Human is always considered as the intellectual animal and takes birth to interact people. In the different ages man has found different mediums to interact. From the ancient age to the Modern age man tried every possible way of networking.From the pigeons to the telephones and from the mobiles to the networking sites the medium of interaction have become easy,simple and more convinient.This is the era of networking sites where man want to interact with various kinds of people, whom he knows, whom he dont know, his friends,his enemies,his relatives,parents,sibilings,beloved or girl friend or a boy friend. Interaction and chatting delights the person in various ways. sometimes it provides knowledge,sometimes happiness and sometimes a way to get the work done.
Networking sites can be called as the pocket world where people can talk, interact,send mesages whenever,whereever and whom so ever. Not only it changed the world of business,media and students it also showed new areas for the criminals, illegal relations. It has become the place to do everything at one place.From the recreation to the commitment in the relations. If you are feeling lethargic you can find music,for gaining knowledge you have various articles, for the students subjects and topics to pass examination are always available, for the business companies a good  way to advertise their products and to flirt, girls can find handsome dudes and vice versa. 
Time has changed and the era seems to be more fast,quick and clever. The young and undeveloped branins don't take now years to grow, even a kid of 6 years who give his 3-4 hours regularly on these sites is far more mature,developed and witted than a person of 45+ years who never surf of such places. Earlier, kids were given the dose of milk,dry fruits,and some herbal medicines to grow up their mind, now everything is constituted in these sites, its just like a capsule which consists of dose and kids feed it and develop themselves. But everything that is provided in exccess is always dangerous so is the case with such sites. The excessism can lead to side effects as well. 
Whatever may be these sites are growing at much faster rates even than the population of India and Pakistan. People who even don't have good meals to eat, have their own account on such sites. With the rate they grew they have also put pshychologists in dillema whether its a necessity now to surf on such sites or its a way to diminish ourselves. Loneliness,sezopherina,and other pshychological diseases are in excess now. People become so much addictive that they even can forget to eat,sleep on time. Such is the impact of such sites. You can forget everything including yourselves but you won't leave any stone unturned to forget your username and password of your networking site.

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