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Saturday 25 May 2013

Of Fun

     Digging a pit and then falling self into it...Is it not funny? Obviously it is. We generally come across with such of funny incidents in our lives which becomes memorable. Fun fills the heart with delight, with laughs, with happiness. Fun makes mood jolly and brings hope in life. It replaces sorrow and creates aroma of delectation.

    Fun is to enjoy, to keep ourselves busy against work and to make moments light. Everyone like fun, enjoyment. Kids fun around with their innocent habits. Jokes,comedy,acting all creates fun among friends. Fun is an exceptional, abnormal behavior of an individual which catches an eye and imbibes the environment with laughter.

    Nature too brings fun around. Cloudy weather,cool breeze,swinging trees, rejoicing birds all makes the surrounding funny and happier.  The most holy thing is to make others life happier and funnier. Someone might have thousands of reason of sorrows but a single moment that can bring smile on face can change the whole thought process of one's life. It refreshes the mind and heart and restores the heartbeat to normal.

   Fun is to make life happy. But it must not be misunderstood or misused. Fun is for all without hurting anyone's sentiments or feelings. An unethical, unsocial, illegal means of self satisfaction can't be termed as fun. Fun is not to make people sick but it is the remedy of all diseases.

   Fun is to unite people, to bring delight in one's life, to make moments lighter, to bring laughter, to eradicate tiredness, to create joy, to develop smiles. Fun make memories. Fun is not for a group or section it is for all. It is to rejoice life, to make life easy and comfortable. Fun destroys monotonousness and imbibes confidence and happiness. The best way to make fun is to make the fun of ourselves, it reconstruct ourselves and provides happiness to others.

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