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Saturday 13 April 2013

Being Virtual

     Firing bullets and escaping at the same moment from enemy,rejoicing victory and saddening on defeat and everything happening in a 8*10 room holding a handheld device. Is it a real fight? Obviously not. Is it fake? No,it is not. Then what it is? It is virtual. A layer at the top of reality and besides the illusion is the virtual layer.

     Virtual world  has no life but still it exists; it has no feelings but it makes to feel; it has no sentiments but drop tears; it has no gravitation but it attracts; it has no kingdom but it rules; it is not a truth but it provides fact.

     Nature is genuine because it gives life to Man and mankind. Man realizes and transform it into virtual. Man cannot create a man but robots are possible; Everyone cannot be a king but still can feel like king.

     Being virtual becomes important during the lack of things. It creates environment which looks like real. It gives liveliness to life. Watching a 3-D Tiger is as good as looking a real Tiger in the forest. Skating in the virtual room of a city whose temperature records 40 deg is not  less enjoying than skating on the ice covered mountains.

    Dreams are nothing but the outcome of the lack of things. To fulfill those requirements mind spreads a layer and creates virtual world. Feelings,emotions,sentiments,attraction becomes part for a span of time during dreams and when it breaks it diminishes everything.

    Meditation also takes away into virtual world. A place where nothing exists. A place of peace and loneliness. Spirituality is detaching self from Maya and metaphysical things. Spirituality is the name of loosing everything of what that is mortal and virtual does the same. 

    Too much of anything is hazardous and always harmful. Being in virtual world is good to enjoy but detaching away from reality is like loosing self on the unknown island where nobody lives.

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