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Monday 2 May 2011

Of Journey

          All that is moving,revolving,rotating or in motion is journey. Journey shows that nothing is static;Everything that is in dynamic state describes the journey. Journey teaches us to move ahead,it never stops nor it goes in reverse direction but it moves in a circular path though sometimes take U-turn.

          Journey merely does not mean to reach from one place to another; Riding a bike from one point to another or travelling in a train from one station to another station is just a sub-part of journey; once we reach the so-called destination does not mean that journey stopped, it again starts. That what we think it as destination is merely a halt.

         All that persists in this Universe is in the state of journey; Sun,Moon,Stars,Planets,Trees,Oceans are in the state of journey. Their journey never ends. It has no destination to reach but it takes circular path and revolves forver. Evertything that originates diminishes but that diminishes originates again and joins the journey of Nature.

          So many people meet during our journey and our journey passes. During our journey we meet various types pf people. Some care us, love us and some hate us. Sometimes journey becomes easy and comfortable and sometimes uncomfort covers us. When our journey passes smoothly we always want to remain in that state but when unfavorable situation starts arising we think to reach destination as soon as possible and there are few who drops it in between. We must not accuse for our uncomfortable journey because it is the part of it.

           Life too called as journey by many poets. Life's journey begins from the day we come into existence in this Universe and continues till the day our existence destroys. The story of life means to move. As the time never stops, life's journey too must not stop whatever may be the situation.
          Journey only teaches us to move ahead in every situation whether it is favorable or critical; There are paths come where it becomes difficult to move but all passes and again the smooth road arrives where journey can become comfortable. During the journey we get  various types of path rocky,rough,smooth but journey means to move without complaining anything.


1 comment:

  1. Anurag, you need to be more clear about the topic. Good article.
