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Sunday 21 August 2011


     Independence is nothing but to be free to express our thoughts. When the feelings are expressed without any bounds or without under any pressure independence is achieved. But it must be provided that it must not go beyond the Nature's limitations. The law of Nature must not be broken. It would be better to say that when feelings and thoughts are expressed under the law of Nature is Independence.
     Everything in this Universe that has been created by the mother Nature is independent provided that it follows all the rules of it. If the rules are broken then it is not independence but dictatorship.The soul is free from all bounds and thus it is independent; the trees;the stars;the moon;the sun;the birds;the animals; everything that has no limitation in their expression are said to be independent; A child is said to be independent from all   worldliness issues.Abiding the law is the true meaning of independence. It does not mean that we are dependent or slaves. A child is independent though he depends on his parents; an employee is independent though he follows his boss; Citizens of the country has to follow all the laws of the nation. It is mandatory to maintain law and peace and these laws mus be followed by everyone. Abiding laws cannot be called as dependency.
     Dependence is to be dependent completely on other substance. Man depends on water to live;Pets depend on their master;Slaves are made to be depend on their master, they have no freedom to express themselves;some old people are made to  get depend on their caretakers; These dependents have no freedom to express their thoughts. They are completely under control of some other person or substance.
     Independence must not be misused else it can ruin the person or country. Independence is the freedom to achieve things legally without being in control of any external force but it is misused or misunderstood that it can break all the limitations of the law or Nature. Going beyond the limitations can disturb the Nature's cycle which can result into surge.
     Independence provide rights and these rights when used systematically helps to uplift the society or the Nation. Independence leads to innovation and development. It breaks all the chains of bounds. One has the full right to go beyond thinking following the rules of the law. Expression of feelings and thoughts always bring innovation. When the innovative ideas are implemented they result into development.


  1. Good to hear your thoughts after a long time. I still assert my disagreement to you easily accepting natural laws of any kind, if they exist at all.
