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Friday 30 September 2011


     A feeling of happiness when overflows is romance. When the heart is overflown by the thought of happiness,surprise,rapture,thrill romance is covered up. The heart goes romantic when it beats without any interruption. When there persist no other thought rather than ecstasy it confirms the existence of romance.
     Romance is found to exist everywhere in this Universe.That what is free from bounds enjoys the romance. The Nature is said to be most romantic. It consists of happiness,calmness,peace and greenery. Romance exists in every living being. Every heart that beats or alive is said to comprise of romance in it. What is required is to bring up the romance. When the feelings of calmness,happiness,peace starts overflowing the heart starts rejoicing romance..
     Every group of people can be found romantic. A kid might be most romantic when he is gifted with a new toy;A lover is most romantic in the arms of beloved;A son might be most romantic when parents start showering love;An old might be most romantic seeing their children happy; Every heart feels romantic when the Mother Earth showers love of greenery,calmness and prosperity.
     There are occasions when heart feels most romantic. Weather and Nature plays the most important role in it. When the atmosphere is imbibed with fragrance,greenery,calmness etc the romance starts overflowing.In the full moon light lovers seems to be most romantic. Poets are said to be most romantic at such times too. A devotee or saint is most romantic during the chanting of rhythms of God. There may be several reasons that heart finds to get romantic.
      Romantic mood delights the heart and mind. It empties the heart from the problems and transforms the mood to feel free and glad. It is the situation when a person never thinks of chains ,bounds and evils. Only the feeling of delight,goodness is occupied inside the heart. Romance is meant to every heart. It directly connects heart with the Nature. Romance makes the environment pleasant,light and ecstatic.
      There are other factors also that affect on the atmosphere to produce romance. Music,weather,Nature when all combines and showers, then heart rejoices the rain of romance. Flowing of water with musical sound makes the atmosphere romantic too. Fragrance of romance can flow with the air anytime,anywhere.
     Romance is not only meant to be the base of showing love towards others. But it teaches every heart mercy,kindness,gentleness,truth. This is the situation when heart has no place for hatred,jealousy,evils.Let the romance flow in the air so the every heart when inhales it gets imbibed with happiness and truth.

1 comment:

  1. I always wonder why are we so desperate for romance and other adjectives that you describe in your post. If we look deeper in our hearts, it's not just romance or love, it is mere expectations. We expect various physical ans non-physical things from other people. It is a form of violence. We want our parents and kids to respect us. We want our lover to love us. And this desire is never fulfilled. Our frustration is result of this unfulfilled desire. Of course these thoughts are not mine but i do find them relevant to the topic.
