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Sunday 29 April 2012


Are we complete? To find out the answer to this question we need to understand the term completeness. When there remains no space to be filled in is completeness. Now another question arises is there anything that is complete? Even the minute particles that exists is incomplete. It always has that space to be filled in.

Universe is made up of millions of particles and millions of them get added in every friction of second but still it is hollow. Now the another question arises if there is nothing that is complete then why this term 'Complete' coined?

Completeness is the process to reduce that space that can be filled to maximum. Anything that tends to Δx which is the minimum value and it can be ignored as it has the least effect. Now again the same questions comes into picture 'Are we complete'? and 'Is there anything that can be said to be complete'?

Man considers himself to be complete. Anybody who is successful says himself to be complete? But is it that there requires nothing to be achieved after having something. Relations and money merely cannot lead to completeness. A man considers complete with a woman and vice -versa but both of them are incomplete without their children. Having children merely cannot lead to completeness without grandchildren and the hierarchy never ends. Money too does not have any limit. No limit can be considered as complete for the Man. Hunger never tranquilizes and it does not guarantee that after having meal one will never feel hungry.

Man is made up of three things mind,body and soul. Mind always floats. It does not have stable state. Anything that is unstable can't be said to be complete. Body is mortal and diminishes after certain time period but soul which is an energy and never diminishes. This combination of stable and unstable can lead to completeness if that space can be filled or reduced to minimum. When the senses are in controllable state so that neither they can interfere nor can cause any affect until they are commanded for that. The inner development of man which is made up of five senses can only lead to completion.

To move towards completeness one has to identify himself. How much he is complete and how much that unfilled space can be reduced. Internal strength of one's can only fill that space to maximum and can lead to completion.

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