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Sunday 29 July 2012


When the question 'Do I have anything to achieve?' transforms to 'Can I achieve anything' and answer is 'No' leads to commit suicide. Suicide is an attack on himself/herself  in order to end up life. Everything requires an end but if it comes like a process terminating in an abnormal way it leaves behind nothing. When the work is fully done it has to end but if it is half done and forcefully stopped it is nothing but to be rescued from life.The person who suicides feels life like hell.

Various people are involved in suicidal attacks. Student suicides due to the pressure of study;Failure in love for lovers;Family head due to economical problems;mismanagement  in personal and professional life leads to suicidal attack by an employee;Health issues may loose hope towards life by aged people. Reasons are different for different people but the only thing that was common was loosing hope to achieve anything.

Sorrow and grief imbibes in ones heart and it bursts out into harming self. There are several causes of misery. When melancholy reaches at its height and directs to depression leads one to commit suicide. It is the state when thinking power deteriorates and hope looses. It is when one feels 'Now nothing has left for me in this life'. But is it really true that nothing has left to be achieved? Or the thought of not achieving something dominated such that something has been transformed to everything.

Education is the only factor that can prevent negative thoughts to empower.But education must not be confused with the literacy or degrees but it means the analogical state of one's mind. If one analyses of what still need to be done will never lead to suicide.

Astrology plays an important part in committing suicide. A highly qualified commits suicide suddenly its not because he looses all the hope towards life but because of other external factors that took control of his mind. Mind becomes unconscious due to the movement of 'stars'. Certain circumstances come up which takes away one's control of thinking and makes the person to loose prospect from life. One might debate over it but there is some power or energy that controls the Universe and astrology is the system that is followed by it. One gets life due to his previous-birth karma and duration of life depends on it. Ones the duration is over death finds reason to raise its hand.

Indian mythology has many examples of self ending.Saints are said to be taken samadhi after they think their goal have been achieved. Seeta prayed Goddess Earth to contain her in herself. Rama with his brothers took jal samadhi and left this world after their task has been completed.

Obviously, death is not an end. Everything recycles and regenerates and soul too grasps another body.Terminating the process in between is not the solution but to fight with the mesh and then solving it is the way of leading the life. Doctors do not kill patients but they treat them by medicines.

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