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Saturday 1 December 2012


What next after reaching the destination? It is nothing but to survive over there. The struggle is all about to survive. As soon as a Man takes birth he struggles for life. From the very first second till the last breath he fights for his survival.He does everything possible that he can and leaves no stone unturned for his endurance.

In every area one seeks for his survival. An employee does over time; sportsman's effortless performance in the game; patients take medicines; gamester gambles;politicians fake promises to reelect;businessman creates new policies to remain in the market;criminals search new tactics;Nation requires sacrifice.

Not only Human beings but everything that exists in this Universe want to live on. Nothing is immortal. Nature too seeks for its endurance. It balances itself at every moment for its survival. Animals behave wildly when it comes of their life.

All those who can adapt themselves in either situation can only survive. The one who adjusts in adverse environment and accept it wins the battle. A vegetarian could not survive in the mid of the ocean without the sea food. The one who could not adapt always extincts.

Relations too requires survival. Relations are nothing but the hearty bonding which gives meaning to life, to survive. Sometimes when this bonding goes weak it needs to strengthen by the gentle behavior. Two thoughts might not match but they can be tied with the thread of diplomacy to save the relation. Sometimes it requires to think from mind rather than to take decision by hearing the heart's voice.

The race is not only to win but to survive the existence. Shriveled flower never attracts the Honeybees. It is more difficult to sustain the stardom than to achieve it. Only those can lead who know how to sustain and save the existence.

The straight smooth concrete  roads though helps in moving comfortably but reaches nowhere needs to be compromised with the stony, and full of thorns path which takes away to the goal.The static behavior never helps for the survival for too long. It requires dynamic decisions and dynamic behavior to adapt in the new environment. Game does not end till the survival of the King.

1 comment:

  1. Well written, although your vocabulary is very strong but what needs to bee improved is the cohesion among thee words.keep doing the good work
