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Saturday 20 July 2013


      A clean body is more than an Angel and a clean house is more than heaven. Some like cleanliness, some live in cleanliness and some have nothing to do with it, ignorant like a Pig. Those who lie in the first category fulfills the basic requirement of it, people lying in the second category are strict to it while the third are like buffaloes which likes playing in the mud.

     Cleanliness can be acquired when there is strong feeling from inside to achieve it. Cleanliness can only be achieved by physical activeness and in return it pays physical strength, a healthy body and energetic mind. Habits generally do not change and if they do it becomes an exceptional case. To make cleanliness a habit it is taught from childhood to perform cleanliness. Schools take care that students remain clean. They plan various activities to make them habitual and learned about it.

     When there exits cleanliness there resides God. In Hinduism, Diwali is not only celebrated as the festival of light but it is also the festival of cleanliness. It is believed that Goddess of wealth (Laxmi) dwells where there persist cleanliness. Nature too loves cleanliness.Water,wind and air are the natural sources which keeps Nature clean and beautify it. Dog is considered as the most cleanliness animal. It cleans it's place before it sits.

     Cleanliness is not to be achieved only at surface level but it must  be achieved at root level. A man can be judged about his cleanliness qualitiy not by his clothes but by his shoes. A drawing room never depicts the fact of cleanliness but it is the toilet which speaks the truth.

     Cleanliness of mind and soul is equally important as of body. If the soul is covered with dust of filth, of ugliness and of ignorance it smells. To clean this dust one needs to be spiritual and follow the path of kindness. A gentleman is not the one who shakes hand with smiling face and abuses in heart but a gentleman is the one who is merciful, civilized and benevolent.


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    1. Hi 'Restaurant India',
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