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Tuesday 29 March 2011


Are you mad? We usually hear people calling one another. Madness is nothing but act of behavior in an unusual manner. This behavior seems to be unusual,unfavorable and sometimes unaccepted. The simplest question that comes in our mind that who is mad? Is he the one who is mentally disturbed or a mentally healthy person who behaves differently from a normal person. Madness is the behavior that is sometimes uncontrolled,unethic or amused.
          If we judge the meaning of madness literally,then a mad is the person whose mental status is not in his control. If the mental status goes out of control, the person behaves in an unusual way in the society. Will it be right to call such a person mad? If yes, then why we call a normal person mad whose mental status is quite normal. He knows very well that who he is,he knows who are his relatives,his character and his status in the society. Then a person who does something different in the society must be called mad.These are people who act differently from the expectation of the people.
          There are four categories of people who can be called as mad. The first category belongs to the mentally retarded people who have lost their mental behavior. They live in their own world. Their act of behavior and thinking is unexpected and unaccepted in the society. The second category belongs to the lovers. They act differently from the normal people. A lover always sees none but his beloved everywhere. He sits under the moon and pass whole night seeing his beloved in the moon. If the love fails, he keeps waiting  his beloved and sees only his beloved in every individual.He can even pass all his nights and days withour eating and sleeping. The third category belongs to the poets whose imagination can reach beyond the normal people. They can imagine night in the miseries or morning in the hopes. Their speed of thinking is faster than the speed of light. Poets also seem to behave in an unexpcted manner from the common people. Their thought process is vast than the sky,deeper than the ocean. The last category belongs to the Philosophers,researchers and scientists. These are the highly educated people who believe in practical studies than theory. What they read,see and hear they apply it in their behavior and sometimes it seems to be an unusual way of act. No invention could have been possible if scientists would have not acted in an  unusual way. Most of the innovation,invention and discoveries have been done by the mad people of the world. Their madness have shown a way to the world to move ahead. Even a child behaves in an unusual manner, what retreives from him is the innovation. A smile comes seeing the madness of the kid, madness of a youth bring comedy or it hurts the heart of the people.
       Madness can be harmful to the society. It is the process of unusual thinking. Criminals are also thought to be mad. Their madness is so wild that it can harm the lives of the people. These are the people who put their innovative efforts in negative use. Such type of people can be said to be psychologically disordered, pathetic or mentally retarded. They leave no stone unturned to hurt the society and themselves.
       Madness is thus is the act of behavior that brings innovation. It is not possible for everyman to think differently. All those who think different,behaves different and do different are called to be mad as their acts are not understood by the people . Whatever that is new and unusual looks awkward but does something innovative. Let be a mad and enrich thoughts and bring some innovation that can be fruitful to the society.


  1. I like your writing but the article subject is too vague. What is the theme of the article? Madness is a relative phenomena. I secretly think all people except me are mad and behave in a strange way, my way is the right way.

  2. This is the analytical study of human mind. I just tried to perform analytical study in this article because I think I am too a mad because I also come under one of those categories....
