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Saturday 14 May 2011

Of God

       It has always been the subject of curiosity that what is controlling this Universe. Man has named it God. It is generally expected that there is some energy which empowers and controls this Universe. This energy is beyond time and is immortal. Everything in this Universe is said to diminish but what always exist is God.

       As the human takes birth on this earth he divides this Universe into planets,continents,countries and society  into various parts. There are so many bounds in every sphere of this Universe. Man is divided on the basis of caste,creed,color,religion and thus God also didn't remain unaffected from it. On the basis of religion Man has divided God and he calls it by different names. Hindus say Ram, Muslims Allah, Christians Jesus and so on...But it must be noted that in every religion God is said to be Almighty. Whatever Man can call him but the existence remains unique. It is just like having many nicknames of a single person. He is the ruler of this Universe and we are the child of  that Father. Trees breathe,Moon,Sun, Planets and every specie of this Universe is created and controlled by that unformed energy.

      An atheist does not believe in the existence of such kind of energy while the theist shows full faith in the existence.In every religion people have felt the existence of God and some divine souls are believed to  be the part of God. Man too have faith in God. Whenever he is in trouble he remembers the Almighty.

        Temples,Mosques,Churches are places where People show full faith, performs rituals to achieve Gods' blessings. But worshiping or performing rituals can lead to God's grace? No. God is not a man, it is an energy that has no shape and size but it can be transformed into any form. Then why we perform all these rituals, why we worship in various places? The only answer behind that human body consists of mind and soul. Though the soul is divine and eternal but mind is said to be floating and to control this mind we need some ways so that it can be concentrated. All these rituals helps in making our faith strong to that Almighty and also helps us in concentrate our mind. If there will be no such energy persist then Man will become wild and sin take place all over. Thus the fear of God or powerful authority persists which can punish evils so as to run  the Universe smoothly. But the true fact is that God is an energy that has no shape and it resides in every soul. What is required is to control the floating nature of mind and then making the soul to reach in the zero state where neither good persists nor evils.This is the state of tranquility where nothing remains.

         Faith in some energy can take us to the quietness and we require some energy which is more powerful to us and that is God whose fear can prevent us from being a sinner. Nature provides tranquility because it resides in the zero state and that's the reason why Nature is worshiped.