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Thursday 13 October 2011


     Reaching the climax of occurring of a particular thing in a successful or unsuccessful mode is 'The End'. Anything whether materialistic or abstract originated in the Universe is supposed to be destroyed or reaches to its end point.Even a line that is drawn meets its end point after a certain distance and time.
     There are two types of things persist in this Universe -materialistic and abstract. The materialistic things those are created or developed or took birth have to die or diminish after certain time. Nature too is bounded in the limits of origin and end.Every materialistic element of this Universe is derived from the Nature thus everything that  has been originated has to meet with its end.Man,animals ,plants,ocean,sun,planets etc. all are the Natural elements of this Universe are predestined and predefined to reach to its end.Thus nothing in this Universe is immortal.
    Not only the materialistic elements but the abstract things do originate.Our thoughts are supposed to be originated at some point of time are too decided to follow the Nature's rule  and reach to its end position. Every process has to terminate after completing its task or it is killed after certain interval of time.
     What that most frightens the Man is the End. Nobody is immortal,the thought starts circulating in mind makes him pessimistic. Man tried every way,applying mechanism scientific and spiritual to escape from its end.But End does  not have its independence existence but it is the constraint of the 'Beginning'.
     The thought of End is supposed to be sorrowful. But end too brings the delight and a ray of hope enlightening  the mind. When the worse situation ends the mind is filled with enthusiasm and innovation.End contains the seeds of beginning and it sows as something ends.
     End is the confirmation of the completion of the task. Whatever task that been started has to go for its end.  If it does not task it is said to be incomplete. Every journey that has begun has to end after certain distance and time. Even a book or a movie reaches to its climax and ensures us that it has successfully completed.The End is the mandatory part of life.
     There are always two aspects of looking things. One that brings happiness and the other that put a cover of sorrow and miseries. They itself are a part of abstract family and thus are also temporary and gets destroyed. Thus End too .is destined to be destroy and this end of End is the beginning of new possibilities and hopes. Thus the origin of End lies in the beginning.

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