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Sunday 27 November 2011


    There are so many special days that comes in our life.These special days are somehow related with us.One of such type of day is our birthday.This is the occasion when one feels delighted and humorous.Birthday is meant to be celebrated with full joy and enthusiasm.The birthday person is imbibed with immense delight which is nothing but to have the feel that particular day is devoted to him/her.And truly the day becomes his/her.

     Birthday is the occasion not only to celebrate the happiness but also is the evidence of passing number of years on this beautiful earth.Since Man is mortal he always want to live longer as life after death is still a mystery.Birthday is celebrated on the basis of number of years one has passed .It is not only meant to be celebrated by the humans but birthday can also be celebrated of the pets and materialistic things.

     What we love most is always been celebrated and become the reason for cherish,what is required is the reason to celebrate it.Life is surrounded by so many miseries,sorrows and thus a faint ray of light is enough to be enjoyed and that is well provided by the birthday.

     Birthday is not only meant to feel happy alone but to share the happiness with others,to exchange love in the form of gifts and to have blessings of elders.This is the auspicious day that one waits eagerly to celebrate.

     Birthdays of various people are celebrated in different ways.kids celebrate their birthdays with their parents and friends,youth share this moment among themselves while old want to perform some charity on their big day.Birthday of known personalities are celebrated by their loved ones and their disciples in the form of charity and thus helping mankind.Not only humans but birthdays of God is also celebrated in different religions.

     The human life is covered with many adjectives such as happiness,sorrow,jealousy,misery etc.what is required is to transform them into bits of music and let them flow through the heartbeats.Birthday is the occasion that provides that moment to flow that music.The true prayer of the God is to keep smiling and bring smile on others face.When happiness flows through hearts it flushes all the garbage that has been collected inside the heart.


  1. Hhaha Birthdays are like enjoy while you have teeth. Good article.

  2. thanks bro.....I never expected that it would be liked...I didn't find any good subject this time and was busy too ....not even my mind supported to what to write ...just to perform the formality of writing i took chance to write this....and also I wanted to run my blog continuously....
