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Sunday 11 December 2011


     The most awaited day in a person's life is the holiday.This is the day that provides rest to the body which runs continuously like a machine on the working days.Anything that brings change from the normal routine is anxiously captured. Holiday brings that change and takes away in different direction.

      Sunday is the devoted day and is marked as holiday. As the weekend approaches one starts thinking towards it. Some pre-plans it while some rejoices dynamically.But the common is everyone  want to enjoy it without any interference. Not only employees or working people but also businessman seeks towards this day.Business grows as the earned money is spend on this day.It would not be wrong to call it as a 'Spending' day rather than a holiday.

     Holiday brings delight on the face and makes the person happy.Not even age puts any bar to rejoice it. Students anxiously wait for the holiday.A holiday's happiness brings the equivalent happiness that a kid receives after reaching in the mother's lap.Not only students but the youth too waits eagerly for this day.The best gift that a working person can have is the holiday.

      Holiday brings delight in various ways for various people.Kids get time to play;lovers can meet with their beloved;a working person feels happy to spend some time with his family;women can have time to shop;old feels happy seeing their children at home and spending their hours with them.

      Apart from Sunday there are other occasions that provides holiday.Religious or National festivals,unfavorable weather,strikes etc are some reasons that give chance to be relaxed.

      Man is always in fond of holiday.It is not because it only provides relaxation to the body but it is the nature of the man which demands change.What that is different from the normal is always perceived.Holidays are applauded and looked forward always. Thus they are always counted and remembered.

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