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Saturday 7 December 2013

Of Thoughts

          Thoughts are mortal, immortal and thoughtful. When the clouds like heart evaporates it overflows the drops of thought. The evaporation takes place spontaneously after a certain interval of time and wets the mind. Thoughts are like bubbles which floats in the mind.

          Heart is the mother of all the thoughts and mind the father. Thoughts are like a child which are innocent and grows gradually. When the thoughts are matured they transforms into action. Every act is the cause of thought.But some thoughts faints early and remains action less. Thoughts do not depend on anything but they are driven by the  mind.

          There might be a reason or no reason to emerge a thought. There might be a relation or no relation to origin a thought. There might be a busy state or an idle both are ideal situations for a thought to generate. There are some thoughts which comes up on the occurrence of any incident while there are others which enters like vagabond. Thoughts can be creative or disastrous.

          Thoughts can occur in anyone's mind. Everything that is in living state in this Universe have thoughts. I am writing this post because i felt to write it. You are reading this blog because you felt to do so. But why you and I both felt? It is because a thought emerged in both of ours heart which signaled the mind to perform such action. One's mind is the slave of one's heart.

          Thoughts are relentless, reckless and restless. Some thoughts are survived, some are crushed and becomes eternal. No matter how the thoughts have emerged, they affect the creature and reflect in creativity. Thoughts drive life and life